Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Acumen Fund, Social Capitalism and other random thoughts

Wow! I just heard a podcast on one of my favorite programs, Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett (they're changing the name /focus soon, though). It was about a new venture called The Acumen Fund which was founded by Jacqueline Novogratz. I can't begin to explain it in a way that would do it justice so if you're interested, go here:

However, I have to tell you a little bit about it! It is a program that invests in entreprenuers who are in their own ways, making the world a "better place". It's social conscience meets making a profit. I love it! I love that it combines the desire to work and produce something new (the entrepreneurs) with the desire to give back to communities!

It really made me think, too. It made me think about the disparity between the poor and the rich. It made me think about that I *am* the elite Jacqueline references. When is the last time you even thought about the fact that you have clean, running water any time you want it? When was the last time you *really* worried if you would be able to pay for that water!?

It made me think about the people in Haiti who are complaining about the free healthcare they're receiving from NGOs (seems they're going to put the existent healthcare providers out of business). It made me think about the Jamaicans who are struggling to farm but cannot compete with American farmers with their capital and their machinery.

These topics all seem related to me. What is the best way to help these different groups? Is it to fly our best charitable workers to them and do the work for them? Is it to throw money at them? Is it to take over the industries they can't succeed at because we can do it more efficiently? I think none of these approaches are really working. They're what we're trying and we've just been spinning our wheels.

But I like this approach The Acumen Fund is modelling. I like the idea of somehow merging (despite my criticism of co-optation) the private and public sectors. Can we teach people to fish while also giving them some fish? I think so! It makes my head swirl with interesting thoughts. If anyone is reading this, please feel free to add your own thoughts!! (P.S. It also could be I just listen to much public radio! HA!)

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