Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If I Could Paint

I'm an amateur artist. I've displayed in an open hanging at the local art museum and I've won a couple prizes at the local fair. But I'm very much an amateur. I rarely have time anymore to paint. Motherhood, work, being a student, community activities all vie for my time. I also know the minute I get out my paints, my 2 year old will think it's open season!
At the fair this year. The guitar and the man with the hat are mine. The flowers are my sister's.

So I want to try a new idea here. My creative juices have been flowing lately and I have no outlet. So you will be my outlet, blog readers! I'm going to paint with my words.

If I could paint right now, I would paint in bold, sensual strokes. Curves and slashes would compete for canvas. Passion would leap off the page in a woman's shape dancing, a tree blowing in the wind. I would paint in warm hues of royal purple and autumn oranges and yellows. If I could paint right now, I'd paint a roaring fire in the cold of winter. The bright yellow and orange and red leaping out of the fire with black accents. I'd paint the ice blue cold of winter all around it held at bay with a halo of white around the flames. Perhaps some low hanging ice-covered branches. I want to paint of passion and warm comfort from the cold of life. I want to paint of sensuous desire and hunger for life in all its facets. I want to paint to keep the cold of unfulfillment out of my life.

Do you see it? What would you paint? Perhaps you've never held a brush? I encourage you to try it sometime and let go of any notions of what you "should" paint. You might be surprised what comes out. If you're intimidated by physical paints, paint with your words, with your mind. Think of what it is you would lay on canvas and what it means to you.


  1. My ability to draw is limited to Stick Figures and those aren't even that good. However, I wish I could paint the way you propose. My picture would be soft blues, lighter purples and light reds. It would be a picture of a peaceful place, where I am the only person there. It would be at dusk and there would be a light breeze. Trees, a lake and a warm cabin with lights on (and a fire going) would be somehow integrated.

  2. I'm so glad I inspired your own painting in your head! It sounds lovely!
