Do you ever just want to swipe everything off the table with your arm like they do in the movies? Not so much to hop up there and have sex but more out of frustration. Everything on the table just piles up and makes a mess until it's just too much.
I'm feeling that way these days. I'm not going to go into all the ugly details. Suffice it to say that some of it is serious and some of it is trivial. But I have a strong urge to just swipe the table clean with my arm and start all over. I'm just so frustrated!
I'm really trying to improve myself and my life here. I'm pretty proud of myself on many fronts. I'm learning to be more assertive. I'm back in school (that was a scary step...and sometimes it's hard to stay!). I volunteer when I can to causes I believe in. I'm trying to look more closely at every aspect of my life and see how I can make it the best it can be instead of just leaving it to take care of itself. I'm not perfect at this. Heck, sometimes I fall flat on my face. But I'm trying!
I don't really have an uplifting message to end this post on. I can offer you the metaphor of the table and tell you where I'm at. I hope your table is clean and organized and you feel you can tackle one task at a time and not swipe everything off. I'm not there but I sincerely hope you are.
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