Tuesday, October 26, 2010


How much of our lives do we spend wishing? I think for me, a lot more than I'd care to admit!!
We wish we had more money. Or that we were skinnier. Or that someone else would make dinner. Or that someone would read your mind and magically do exactly what you wanted all along. Or that you had a better/different job. The truth is much of this is within our reach without magic-just a little elbow grease (mind grease?) needed! Ok, the exception would be the person magically reading your mind but you could, uh, tell them.

I've been wishing a lot. I was reading a blog by a woman I really really admire today. I used to read her stuff religiously and just yesterday found her again. She is amazing and I want to be her. And I found myself wishing. Wishing I could write like her. Wishing I had a writing career like her (who knew my desire to write would re-rear it's ugly head in the form of blogging??). Wishing I lived in a community where my crunchy ways would be more accepted. Wishing I could mother more like her in a more conscious, present way (for all her grousing-she's an amazing mom, I think!).

But this really isn't just a post about how amazing Catherine Newman is. You can get something out of it even if you're not a fan of hers or even a mother of a preschooler! I realized in all my wishing, that I wasn't DOing! So I logged in here and hopefully you are now benefitting. But it's about more than just pushing a blog on unsuspecting readers because I secretly long to be a writer. It's voting because you wish the political system was different. It's going to school because you wish you could get a better job and make a difference (can I tell you? I feel brave every time I remember I'm in college at 30!). It's about seizing the moment and believing.

Big journeys begin with a single step.
Opportunity knocks on your door every day-answer it.
I taped the Big Journey one on as I was signing up to go back to college.
(Taking this picture made me realize how very much I need to clean my calculator at work!)

Sometimes, I'm AWFUL at this! OK, most of the time, I'm awful at this. But I'm trying. And I try to catch these moments and take just one step toward DOing rather than WISHing. Won't you join me?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, Mama Karen--thank you for the kind words, and for the reminder that writing, voting, working, loving are the ways to turn wishing into life.

