I stumbled upon some terminology that I really feel like fits my new-found outlook on life. Conscious living. As in, not mindlessly doing what has always been done. I choose to look at the decisions before me and weigh my options and choose which works best for me and my family. I'm not perfect at it but it's what I'm striving for.
Here's some ways I choose to live more consciously:
I'm a vegetarian. Do I really need meat? Can I be healthy or even healthier without it. My answer was yes and I LOVE it...this was a recent decision.
I'm a Democrat. Where I live, this is the D-word. I never cared about politics till my husband made me pay attention. And then I got mad. For me the questions were: Do I feel more strongly about how much money is in the coffers nationally than about the starving family down the street? Do I WANT to take away rights from people just because they see love differently than I? Do I believe that sending troops in with guns blazing is the way to solve problems? Do I believe our world is managing just fine or that she is sick and in dire need of our care and attention? Do I care more about a company's right to make a profit than I do things like making sure you can get help if you're sick? Do I care more about what you call it (socialism) or what I believe it is (loving your neighbor)?
We don't spank and we practice mostly what some people call attachment parenting. Do I want to hit my child? Does it help to hit my child? What am I teaching him if I hit him every time he behaves contrary to my desires? What kind of problem solving skills will this teach him? How did I feel when my parents spanked me? Do I want to treat my child with respect or force? Do I want him to feel loved and respected or fear me? Do I want to listen to him cry while my heart breaks or do what I naturally want to do and pick him up and comfort him? Why do I have to stop breastfeeding at 12 months?
I want to work in public service somehow. Why do I have to sit at a desk and do what will make the most money and save what I REALLY want to do (help people and change "the world") for the weekend?
I live a somewhat non traditional, non status quo life. And I like it that way. I like to look at what I choose to do with this one life and decide if it makes my soul hum or if I'm doing it just because it's the way things are done. I choose to live consciously.
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