Monday, December 17, 2012

Shut Up and Do Something

I'm feeling a bit cantankerous this morning. A bit confrontational. It's unusual for me and even more unusual for me to do something as public as write a blog about it, but writing is a good outlet for me. And I've been told I'm not too bad at it.

Here is what has me frustrated lately: whining and complaining. Now, I do my fair share of both, I'll admit. But here is where I like to think we differ: I'm more than willing to do something about it. I'm one semester deep into a degree to get me a job in a field where I can fix or at least try to fix the things that most vex me. What are you doing?

I know friends and family and random acquaintances who tell me the government needs to stop taking care of people. That's what churches are for. My argument is if the churches were really doing something about poverty, hunger, mental illness, and disability; the government wouldn't have to! If you think charity is the way to take care of these problems, get out there and start a charity. I understand you have a full time job and don't have time to run a charity-find someone who can. Go to your pastor and tell them you want to start a charity. Go to your employer and see if they'll donate to start a charity. If you're doing all that, great! Get the word out to others about how they can do it. Or stop complaining that the government is doing it!

I live in Texas so I know many people who loooove their guns. They think the 2nd amendment should be the most important amendment-sometimes over the 1st. They are terrified that Obama is going to take all the guns away. Even though Obama has NEVER said a word about outlawing guns or "taking them away". Why do they need guns so badly? Well, many of my neighbors, friends, and family believe the government is so corrupt that an armed mass will be needed in the near future to rise up and defeat it. This seems like a horrifyingly violent solution to me. And it also seems completely unnecessary. Have you tried our established legal system? Have you written your legislators? Have you signed physical petitions (honestly, the online ones are convenient but don't really get us anywhere)? Have you run for office yourself? Why are guns the first solution...or any solution? You are talking about killing or at least injuring (or at the very least threatening bodily harm) fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, someone's child! I've never considered that an option and I'm appalled at the otherwise law-abiding people suggesting it.

Speaking of guns, recent events have gun control in the national conversation again. I understand some people don't want limits placed on guns. I'm going to come right out and say why is the violence we've experienced better? I think every. single. (sane) person. in the United States (maybe even the world) would agree that events like the Newtown shooting are unacceptable. Little innocent children should be able to attend school without fear of being killed. No parent should have to fear not bringing their child home alive from a public elementary school. But the ways to eliminate this type of action vary. The ones I've heard so far are: some kind of legal gun control, increased and/or reformed mental health solutions, putting God back in schools, and nothing. I'm for the first 2 and the 3rd sounds good in theory. The 4th is unacceptable. Those who suggest we only need to "put God back in our schools" probably have their hearts in the right place. And I would LOVE it if our schools taught more love and acceptance. But the people who say we need to do that-they're not actually doing anything. They are not starting bible studies or lobbying to teach more love and acceptance. And, in addition, we then have to decide which God and which agenda and which doctrine we're putting back in the schools. Meanwhile, another person is going to snap, buy a gun, and kill more people.

I suppose my point in all of these issues is this: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Posting Facebook links or griping in your tweets and statuses is not helpful. Arguing against all of the proposed concrete solutions is not helpful. If you're not willing to put your own money, labor, effort, reputation, or whatever else you have to offer into it; get out of the way for those who will.